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How The Low Back Functions and How to Avoid Back Problems

How The Low Back Functions and How to Avoid Back Problems

The NumbersLow back pain is one of the most thoroughly investigated health problems worldwide, yet both prevention and effective treatment are elusive and controversial. The National Library of Medicine of the United States displays nearly 25,000 articles when the key words “low back pain” are used (May 2014).Suffering with low back pain is almost a [..]

Whiplash Self-Care: Part 2

Whiplash Self-Care: Part 2

Last month, we started the discussion of self-care options in the management of whiplash or CAD (cervical acceleration-deceleration) or WAD (whiplash associated disorders). In this series, we are describing various treatment methods that you can be taught to help facilitate in the management process during the four stages of healing (acute, subacute—discussed last month; remodeling [..]

Fibromyalgia: Do I or Don’t I Have It?

Fibromyalgia: Do I or Don’t I Have It?

Fibromyalgia (FM) is one of the most common types of chronic pain disorders with an estimated five million sufferers in the United States alone. A “hallmark” of FM is the difficulty its sufferers have in describing their symptoms. When asked, “…what type of pain do you feel?,” the response is often delivered with uncertainty such [..]

Great Imposters of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Great Imposters of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

When a patient presents with the signs and symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), one would think that the examination and treatment would be fairly straightforward and “routine.” The problem is, no two cases of CTS are identical because of all the possible mitigating factors, or the presence of OTHER issues that may be contributing [..]

Posture and Headaches

Posture and Headaches

Headaches (HA) play a significant role in a person’s quality of life and are one of the most common complaints that chiropractors see. This comes as no surprise, as one survey reported 16.6% of adults (18 years and older) suffered from migraines or other severe headaches during the last three months of 2011. Another study [..]

The Mysteries of Low Back Pain!

The Mysteries of Low Back Pain!

Do you realize how complicated the low back region is when it comes to investigating the cause of low back pain (LBP)? There can be findings on an x-ray, MRI, or CT scan such as degenerative disk disease, arthritis, even bulging and/or herniated disks that have NOTHING to do with why the back hurts. Similarly, [..]

Chiropractic and Allergy Care: PART 2

Chiropractic and Allergy Care: PART 2

Continuing this topic from last month, we are discussing various vitamin, nutriceutical, and dietary approaches that show promise with some published evidence to benefit those of us struggling with allergies.The next herb to consider is: 6) Tinospora cordifolia as this can reduce allergy symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and nasal discharge. 7) Combination allergy supplements [..]

Chiropractic – Balance & Dizziness

Chiropractic – Balance & Dizziness

Many people seek chiropractic care for low back, mid-back, neck pain, and pain in the extremities, but what about balance and/or dizziness, as they often go together? Can chiropractic management help people suffering from frequent falls due to balance and/or dizziness problems? Let’s take a look! When considering treatment for balance, we must talk about [..]

Chiropractic and Allergy Care: PART 1

Chiropractic and Allergy Care: PART 1

Chiropractic has been utilized to treat many ailments, including allergies. Though large-scale, randomized controlled trials are lacking in regards to chiropractic treatments and allergies, case reports and other research show promise. The concept of managing allergies may include diet management and/or a multi-disciplinary approach to obtain optimum outcomes.When a patient presents for chiropractic care, we [..]

Management of Whiplash Associated Disorders Guidelines 2014

Management of Whiplash Associated Disorders Guidelines 2014

A clinical practice guideline is a document designed to guide decisions and criteria regarding diagnosis, management, and treatment in specific areas of healthcare. Contemporary clinical practice guidelines are based on an examination of current evidence (evidence-based). The goal of clinical practice guidelines is to optimize patient benefit, reduce risks, provide a rational basis for patient referral, and to be cost effective. [..]

Whiplash Self-Care: Part 1

Whiplash Self-Care: Part 1

Whiplash is a condition that can occur from MANY causes—in fact, anything that results in a sudden change in the head/neck position. Usually, there is a rapid acceleration that injures the soft tissues around the neck area by stretching them beyond their limits. Hence, the more accurate terms for whiplash are “cervical acceleration-deceleration” (CAD) as [..]

Fibromyalgia “(More) Facts”

Fibromyalgia “(More) Facts”

Fibromyalgia (FM) has been described as being both a “myth” and “real” (and probably everything in between the two). This is a VERY controversial disorder that some doctors push under the rug by saying, “….there is no such thing,” while others stake their reputation on it. So with this wide variance in attitude and beliefs [..]