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The 3 Critical Components Of A Whiplash Injury

The 3 Critical Components Of A Whiplash Injury

When considering whiplash injuries, three questions are important:What are the primary tissues that are injured during whiplash trauma?Which injured tissues are responsible for chronic whiplash injury pain?Which conservative treatments are best at preventing and treating chronic whiplash injury pain?Discussions to help answer these questions are to come in the following pages. However, I believe first a [..]

Preventing Low Back Pain

Preventing Low Back Pain

Because it's estimated that 80% of us will suffer a severe back pain episode at some point in our lives, it would certainly be beneficial to discuss the topic of preventing back injuries in the first place. As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. There are two aspects to [..]

New Research on the "Double Crush" Link to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

New Research on the "Double Crush" Link to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome patients often complain of neck pain. The same nerves that go through the wrist tunnel, emerge from the neck and can be compressed or irritated at the neck joints. If the nerve is pinched in these two areas, it has been referred to as a "double crush." Because of this irritation at [..]

Depressed with Fibromyalgia?

Depressed with Fibromyalgia?

Many patients with fibromyalgia have long-standing depression, which is more substantial than just having the occasional morning blues. Their muscle pain can either be a cause for their depression or even the effect of a prolonged, depressed state of mind. Or the two may not be linked at all and simply co-exist at the same [..]

Stress and Headaches

Stress and Headaches

How does stress affect your well-being and how is stress related to getting headaches? Let's discuss the most common ways stress can make you more headache prone... While most of us do not get enough sound, restful, and restorative sleep as it is, stress can interfere affect both the quantity and quality of sleep we [..]

Five Exercises to Help Reduce the Risk of Neck Pain

Five Exercises to Help Reduce the Risk of Neck Pain

The neck is the most flexible part of your spine and just like any other area of the body, movement exercises and good posture are important for maintaining its health. Neck pain can be brought on or aggravated by how you treat this vital structure. We often neglect our neck when it comes to exercise, [..]

Five Exercises to Help Reduce the Risk of Neck Pain

Five Exercises to Help Reduce the Risk of Neck Pain

The neck is the most flexible part of your spine and just like any other area of the body, movement exercises and good posture are important for maintaining its health. Neck pain can be brought on or aggravated by how you treat this vital structure. We often neglect our neck when it comes to exercise, [..]

Low Back Pain and Excessive Weight

Low Back Pain and Excessive Weight

Two things that are epidemic in the United States and many Western countries are low back pain and obesity. The two go hand-in-hand and while excessive weight may not be the only cause of your pain, it does makes matters worse by aggravating your pain through increased loading on the disks of the lower back. [..]

Five Stretches to Help with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Five Stretches to Help with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a debilitating disorder affecting the median nerve as it passes through the wrist and into the hand. In addition, median nerve compression can also occur in the neck region, making some patients' problems more complex. At its essence, carpal tunnel syndrome is a disease of nerves but other tissues can also [..]

Understanding Care Options for Fibromyalgia

Understanding Care Options for Fibromyalgia

Worldwide, fibromyalgia affects up to 5% of the population and about 15 million people in the United States alone. Fibromyalgia is not a disease in the sense that it has a known viral or bacterial cause. Rather, it is a collection of symptoms, mostly pain, that affect the neuromusculoskeletal system. Since other types of diseases [..]

How Can Exercise Help with Headaches?

How Can Exercise Help with Headaches?

For many patients with health conditions, exercise seems to be the furthest thing from their mind. For migraine sufferers, exercise itself can initiate a headache episode. And if you already have a headache, just the idea of going for a three-mile run will likely increase your pain, not lessen it. But exercise is an integral [..]

How Can Exercise Help with Headaches?

How Can Exercise Help with Headaches?

For many patients with health conditions, exercise seems to be the furthest thing from their mind. For migraine sufferers, exercise itself can initiate a headache episode. And if you already have a headache, just the idea of going for a three-mile run will likely increase your pain, not lessen it. But exercise is an integral [..]